Pe autostrăzile și pe drumurile de tip autostradă cu indicatoare de culoare alb-verde, vinieta este obligatorie pentru autovehiculele cu o greutate brută a vehiculului (GVW) de până la 3,5 tone. O vinieta separată este, de asemenea, necesară pentru remorci și rulote cu o greutate totală maximă de încărcare (GVW) de până la 3,5 t. Remorcile trase de motociclete sunt scutite de obligația de a utiliza vinieta. Autovehiculele de până la 3,5t zGG și motocicletele sunt, de asemenea, supuse obligației de a utiliza vinieta. Nu este necesară vinieta pentru vehiculele cu un GVW mai mare de 3,5 t (inclusiv rulote și rulote). În schimb, taxa de trecere trebuie plătită prin intermediul taxei pentru vehicule grele. Se face o excepție pentru vehiculele de lucru cu o masă totală maximă autorizată mai mare de 3,5 t, care nu sunt supuse taxei pentru vehicule grele, dar sunt supuse vinietei. Pentru unele tuneluri și drumuri, se percep taxe de trecere suplimentare din cauza costurilor ridicate de construcție și întreținere.
The compulsory vignette on Bulgarian highways and freeways has been in place since 2019 to finance the cost of maintenance and operations, as well as the construction of new roads in Bulgaria.
The vignette serves as proof of authorization to drive on freeways and roads in Bulgaria. It is mandatory for vehicles and trailers up to 3.5 tons GVW. Vehicles over 3.5 tons GVW must pay a route-based toll. Since 01.08.2019, the vignette for vehicles and trailers under 3.5 tons GVW can be registered digitally on your license plate without having to attach an adhesive vignette.
A distinction is made between adhesive vignettes and digital vignettes. In Bulgaria there is only the digital vignette.
Our recommendation: The digital vignette can be purchased easily and conveniently from home or on the road via cell phone / smartphone.
In addition, buyers save themselves the trouble of sticking on and removing the vignette after the journey.
For these two bridges, tolls are charged in addition to the vignette.
Whether you need a vignette or a digital vignette in Bulgaria depends on which freeways or roads you will be driving on during your journey.
You can get the annual vignette for Bulgaria from our online store for €49.90.
Because you do not have to consider a longer waiting period until the digital vignette is valid when you buy it in our online store, you can still purchase it at quite short notice before you start your journey. However, it is important that you do not set off until you have received confirmation of registration from us.
No, taxes are levied on the price of the digital vignette. The tax is already included in our prices.
There is no vignette requirement for motorcycles
As long as your passenger car is below 3.5 tons GVW, the vignette obligation applies. If your car is over 3.5 tons GVW, you have to pay the heavy vehicle fee instead.
Motorhomes require a vignette regardless of weight. Since February 2024, motorhomes over 3.5 t GVW also pay the toll by means of a vignette and no longer depending on the route.
Similarly, for trucks the heavy vehicle fee must be paid, if the gross vehicle weight is equal to or exceeds 3.5 tonnes; if the gross vehicle weight is less than 3.5 tonnes, the vignette is compulsory.
Since most highways and freeways in SwitzerlBulgariaand can only be driven on without penalty if you have a valid vignette, you will need the vignette on your way to many popular cities such as Sofia, Plowdiw, or Warna.
Yes. The digital vignette is valid throughout all of Bulgaria. For some tunnels, an additional toll is required.
Yes, the digital vignette is registered and bound to the respective license plate. With the digital vignette, there is the option of a one-time license plate change, as long as it stays with the same vehicle owner.
Your digital vignette is valid after your registration confirmation has been received, this usually takes place within a few minutes.
The annual vignette is valid for a whole year.
Whether your digital vignette is already or still valid, can be checked on our subpage for the validity check, free of charge, provided that you have indicated that the e-vignette should be publicly visible. Especially for vehicles which are used by several people, it is therefore recommended to select the option "publicly viewable".
If you drive on the highways and freeways in Bulgaria without a valid vignette in accordance with the vignette obligation, you must expect a fine.
The fine is currently 300 Leva.
In addition to electronic recording, there are mobile and stationary surveillance cameras to check the validity of the vignette.
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